Texas A&M Faculty Publish Four Books on Dispute Resolution in 2019-2020 Along with a Wide Range of Articles and Chapters

All book covers ADRAggie Dispute Resolution Program faculty produced four books on dispute resolution that were (or are about to be) published in 2019-2020.  Cynthia Alkon and Andrea Schneider co-authored Negotiating Crime: Plea Bargaining, Problem Solving, and Dispute Resolution in the Criminal Context, published by Carolina Academic Press in 2019.  In 2020, West Academic Publishing published the 4th edition of ADR in the Workplace, co-authored by Michael Green with Richard Bales, Stephen Befort and Lise Gelenter.  Nancy Welsh and Howard Gadlin are the co-editors of Evolution of a Field: Personal Histories in Conflict Resolution, to be published by DRI Press in late 2020.  Professor Welsh is also one of the co-authors (along with Leonard Riskin, Chris Guthrie, Art Hinshaw, Richard Reuben and Jennifer Robbennolt) of the 6th edition of Dispute Resolution and Lawyers published by West Academic Publishing in 2019.  (She was also co-author of the 4th and 5th editions.)

The Aggie Dispute Resolution Program’s faculty also published articles and book chapters on a wide range of dispute resolution subjects, including the need for:

  • Greater diversity in the selection of arbitrators and other neutrals
  • Greater transparency in plea bargaining and court-connected dispute resolution
  • More collaboration and creativity in resolving investor-state disputes
  • The use of mandatory mediation in the investor-state context to encourage more structured negotiation by the parties and their lawyers
  • More rigorous judicial review of deferred prosecution agreements
  • More thoughtfulness in structuring med-arb to protect the integrity of both mediation and arbitration

And there is much, much more.

Beyond the Aggie Dispute Resolution Program, other Texas A&M Law faculty are also writing about a range of dispute resolution issues, such as: Collaborative Law, specialized courts such as water courts, investor-state copyright dispute resolution, and the challenges of online platforms.  Dispute resolution really is part of the fabric of Texas A&M University School of Law.