Texas A&M Law faculty and legal community experts share practical, fact-based information in free webinars addressing current "hot" topics, such as COVID-19, immigration, Latinx civil rights, and social justice.
Our recent Legal Issues in the Age of the Coronavirus webinar series addressed the CARES Act, commercial & residential landlord/tenant issues, business bankruptcy, employment issues, and legal ethics, among other topics, during the COVID-19 crisis.
These informative and timely free webinars, presented by our knowledgeable scholars and professionals, include real-time question and answer sessions with webinar participants.
LAW & SOCIAL JUSTICE webinar series
Spring 2021: Every other Thursday, 12 p.m. Central
Jointly hosted by Texas A&M Law and the Network for Justice and co-sponsored by the American Bar Association Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibilities, the series engages a variety of people -- students, lawyers, and community leaders -- in a multi-generational conversation to understand the pressing issues in social justice, Latinos & the law.
Recent Webinars:
Lawyers on attack and under attack: The Role and Responsibilities of Lawyers in Electoral Disputes
Ethics CLE
- April 9, 2021
- 1.0 hour Ethics Texas State Bar CLE credit available for Zoom webinar attendees
Webinar video
ESG and Investing in an Era of Unprecedented Change
Part of the Lone Star Resilient Investment Forum
Integrating environmental, social and governance ("ESG") practices into decision-making by companies and investors
- April 7-8, 2021
- Presented by Texas A&M University School of Law and Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP, in partnership with Strategic Insight Group
Interview with Dee Smith, CEO, Strategic Insight Group
Interview with Steven Rothstein, Managing Director, Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets
From Investigation to Post-Conviction: Privacy and Technology in Modern Criminal Procedure
Texas A&M Law Review Spring 2021 Symposium
- March 26, 2021
- 3.0 CLE credit hours available for Zoom webinar attendees
- Made possible by the G. Rollie White Trust
Access to Water: Legal Remedies to Fight Water Inequality
First Annual Environmental Justice Conference
Understanding water inequality and how the legal field can play a role in providing water access to historically disenfranchised communities
- March 26, 2021
- Presented by the Ag Law Society and ENRG student organizations and the Energy, Environmental, and Natural Resources Systems Law Program
Fall 2020 Webinars:
- Latinx Civil Rights webinar series
Co-hosted with the Network for Justice- Introduction to the Network for Justice
- Who Counts?: The Census, Reapportionment, & Redistricting in the Latinx Community
- Latinx Economic Opportunity in the Age of COVID
- The Criminalization of Latinx Immigrants and its Relationship with Black Lives Matter
- Latinx & Higher Education: Affirmative Action & the Commitment of Hispanic Serving Institutions
- The Latinx Community in the 2020 Election & Beyond, co-sponsored by the American Bar Association Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibilities
- One Without the Other? – During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Distressed Businesses Need Both Effective Legal and Communications Strategies
Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises and the Joint Venture: Leveraging for More Opportunities and Bigger Engagements
Co-hosted with the Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce
Legal Ethics and Lawyering in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic World
Joint TAMU Law/Dallas Bar Association Ethics CLE Webinar
CARES Act Webinar Series
Texas A&M faculty also led webinars focusing on the impacts of the CARES Act, addressing:
- Individual Incentives
- Small Business Incentives
- Health Care Implications
- Housing, Commercial Real Estate, and Bankruptcy
Online Resources
For a list of helpful CARES Act and other stimulus acts online resources, click here.
Need additional assistance?
LegalLine is a community service program offered twice a month by the Tarrant County Bar Association. Volunteer attorneys from the Tarrant County Bar Association offer free advice to Tarrant County residents on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month from 5pm – 7pm.
As part of the Tarrant County Bar Association’s commitment to the public, local lawyers volunteer two hours of their time to answer questions covering a broad range of topics.
Anyone interested can sign up for an appointment time at tarrantbar.org or by clicking here.