WIPIP 2021

18th Annual Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property Colloquium (WIPIP)
ONLINE: February 11-13, 2021 & February 18-20, 2021
We are pleased to announce the 18th Annual Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property Colloquium (WIPIP 2021), which will be held online for two consecutive weekends on February 11-13, 2021 and February 18-20, 2021.
WIPIP 2021 is jointly organized by American University Washington College of Law, Texas A&M University School of Law, and University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law. The academic organizers of WIPIP 2021 are Irene Calboli, Jorge Contreras, Christine Haight Farley, and Glynn Lunney.
WIPIP is an initiative created to provide a forum for academics—junior and senior—to present and discuss their intellectual property papers and works-in-progress with colleagues at other institutions and receive early feedback. For more information about the WIPIP Series, see http://wipip.info.
Conference Schedule & Program
Non-Presenting Attendees
The deadline to apply to attend as non-presenting attendees has passed. However, academics who would like to attend the conference can email the organizers (see above), who will consider the requests on a space available basis.
There is no registration fee or other costs associated with attending WIPIP 2021.
Technology and Access to the Conference
Zoom will be used as the online platform for WIPIP 2021. Each session will be conducted in “classroom” (Zoom "meeting") style, where all participants are visible to each other and the speakers.
Only presenters and registered attendees will be allowed to attend the conference and will be given a password to access the relevant sessions.
All information related to presenters and attendees will be processed in accordance with relevant data privacy laws including CCPA and GDPR.
Please feel free to email any of the organizers with questions about participation in WIPIP 2021.